本帖最后由 玉墨灵 于 2014-7-18 10:43 编辑
最新2014年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2014年后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
The Order of Canada and otherhonours加拿大和其他荣誉证书 All countries haveways to recognize outstanding citizens. Official awards are called honours, consistingof orders, decorations, and medals. After using Britishhonours for many years, Canada started its own honours system with the Order of Canada in 1967, the centennial of Confederation. 所有国家都有表扬杰出公民的作法。Official awards arecalled honours, consisting of orders, decorations, and medals .After using British honours for many years, Canada started its own honourssystem with the Order of Canada in 1967, the centennial ofConfederation.官方奖项被称为荣誉,由证书,勋章和奖牌组成。在使用英国奖项多年后,加拿大于1967年联邦一百周年起开始了自己的荣誉制度the Order of Canada加拿大证书。 If you know of fellowcitizens who you think are worthy of recognition, you are welcome to nominatethem. Information on nominations for many of these honours can be found at www.gg.ca/honours/index_e.asp. From left to right: Col. Alexander Roberts Dunn, V.C. Able Seaman William Hall, VC Brig. Paul Triquet, VC Filip Konowal, VC , was promoted Sergeant从左至右:维多利亚十字勋章 晋升警长 From top tobottom:Air Marshal William A. Bishop, better known asflying ace 能手Billy Bishop, V.C. Lieut. Robert Hampton Gray, V.C维多利亚十字勋章 空军中将因飞行王牌著名, betterknown as flying陆军少尉