最新2014年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2014年后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
Moving westward走西口 Canada’s economy grewand became more industrialized during the economic boom of the 1890s and early1900s. One million British and one million Americans immigrated to Canada atthis time. 加拿大的经济增长,并在19世纪90年代和20世纪初的经济繁荣中,成为工业化较高程度。一百万One million British and one million Americansimmigrated to Canada at this time.英国人和一百万美国人在这个时候移民到加拿大。 Sir Wilfrid Laurierbecame the first French-Canadian prime minister since Confederation andencouraged immigration to the West. His portrait is on the $5 bill.The railway made it possible for immigrants, including 170,000 Ukrainians,115,000 Poles, and tens of thousands from Germany, France, Norway, and Swedento settle in the West before 1914 and develop a thriving agricultural sector. Wilfrid Laurier Sir Wilfrid Laurier became the first French-Canadianprime minister since Confederation and encouraged immigration to the West.劳里埃爵士成为自从联邦和鼓励移民到西部以来第一个法裔加拿大人的总理。他的肖像印在5美元钞票。铁路使移民成为可能,其中包括17万乌克兰人,11.5万波兰人,和数以万计来自德国,法国,挪威,和瑞典的人在1914年之前定居在西部,并发展出了一个蓬勃发展的农业地区。
From left to right: Sergeant, Fort Garry Horse, 从左至右:警长,Garry堡马,
Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1916加拿大远征军,1916年
Sir Arthur Currie, a reserve officer, Arthur Currie爵士,预备役军官,
became Canada’s greatest soldier 成为加拿大最伟大的军人