最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
6) Who are Anglophones?
A. People speaking French as a firstlanguage.
B. British people.
C. People speaking English as a first language.
D. English speaking Aboriginal peoples.
7) What is written on an election ballot?
A. The candidates running for PrimeMinister listed.
B. The names of the candidates in your electoral district.
C. The results of the election.
D. The names of Canadians eligible to vote.
8) Which was the first province in the British Empire to abolish slavery?
A. North America.
B. Upper Canada.上加拿大安省先废奴
C. South Canada.
D. Lower Canada.
9) What is a trial court sometimes called?
A. The Small Claims Courts.
B. The Provincial Court.
C. The Court of Queen's(or King's) Bench.
D. The Federal Court.
10) What does the Canadian flag look like?
A. A red maple leaf with white in thebackground.
B. White with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the center.
C. White and red with the federal emblem.
D. White and red with a deer in the center