


[入籍加拿大] 2019加拿大入籍考试真题面试题回忆汇总+中英文版Discover Canada

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从头再来 发表于 2013-2-14 11:43:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版


最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总

---In World War II, in which aspectdid Canada contribute more to Allied air effort than any other Commonwealthcountry?
A.Provided financial support for pilots and their families.
B. Produced 10,000 types ofaircraft parts.
C. Built 2,000 fighter planes.
D. Trained 130,000 allied air crew.  人数最多那个

----Who has the right to enter and leave Canada at will?
A.Landed immigrants.
B. Canadian citizens.
C. British citizens.
D. Citizens of United States.

----What does Register of Electors contain?
A.Personal information of voters which is given to each political party.
B. List of Canadian citizensless than 18 years old who are qualified to vote in federal elections andreferendums.
C. List of Canadian citizens ofmore than 18 years who are qualified to vote in federal elections andreferendums.
D.List of all Canadian citizens who are qualified to vote in federal electionsand referendums.

----What are the provinces of the Atlantic region?
A.New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec.
B. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,Prince Edward Island and Quebec.
C.Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.------3N1岛
D. Newfoundland, NovaScotia, New Brunswick and Quebec.

---What was the name of the new country formed in Confederation?
A.Dominion of Canada.    自治领
B. Canada.
C. Canadian Confederation.
D. Britain.

---When did thousands of miners first come to Yukon?
A.Early 1800s.
B.1890s.     ----最晚那个年代才有能力去条件恶劣的地区
C. 1790s.
D. Early 1700s.

---When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Constitution?   
C. 1919.
D. 1867.

---Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history?
A.It was agreed to by the First Nations and Inuit.
B. It was written by the British government.
C. The Aboriginal people signedthe act.
D.It made Confederation legal.

---What does equality under the law mean?
A.To be like anyone else in Canada.
B.To be protected against any discrimination.
C. To be discriminated against.
D. To be the same as anywhere inthe world.

---When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada?
A.Late 1800s.
B. In 1600s.
C. During 1580s.
D.Late 1700s.
1.加拿大几时有自己的honour award

2.Sir Arthur Curie 参加的是哪场战争
The First World War  ----一战亚瑟王

The Centre Block of Parliament Building


Wheat Province----撒满麦子的省


7.Acadiens 是什么人的后裔?
The descendants of french colonists.

from sea to sea



11.Canada 名字从何而来?
选village  ---------加拿大之所以是个大农村的根本来源



a) How long have you been living in Canada?/When did you first come to Canada?

b) What have you been doing since you came to Canada till now?

c) Tell me about yourself

d) Have you been outside of canada? If yes, when and why?

e)what's your job? or what do you do to make money?

f)are you married? do you have children?

g)do you have any problem with police or immigration?

h)do you work? what's your job?

I)where do you work? location?




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zhang 发表于 2013-5-23 10:34:42 | 显示全部楼层
-three founding peoples
-not citizen's responsility. I choose getting paid when helping others
-Canadian Force. I choose defending Canada
-which aboriginal people live in small scattered communities across Arctic. Inuit
-newcomer are expected to embrace democratic principle such as --- the rule of law
-when British North America act was passed-----1867年是关键
-who was Agnes Macphail --- first woman MP, 貌似麦当劳总理的亲戚
-VC is awarded to who
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云淡风轻 发表于 2014-5-15 08:40:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 云淡风轻 于 2014-5-15 08:42 编辑

最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
56) What will you promise when you take the Oath ofCitizenship?  
A. Pledge to be allegiance to the Queen.
B. Pledge loyalty to the Queen, observe the laws and fulfill theduties of a Canadian.
C. Promise to obey the Constitution of Canada.
D. Carry out responsibilities as a Canadian citizen.
57) What is the name of the leader of the Official Opposition atthe federal level?
A. Thomas Mulcair
B. Michael Ignatieff.
C. Stephen Harper
D. Joy MacPhail.
58) Which two fundamental freedoms are protected by the CanadianCharter of Rights and Freedoms?
A. Basic living rights and obey laws.
B. Equal employment rights and opportunities.
C. Aboriginal peoples' rights and to volunteer.
D. Freedom of belief and freedom of religion.
59) What should you do if you do not receivea voter information card before anelection?  
A. Call the police for help.
B. Give up your right to vote.
C. Tell the Member of Parliament in your riding.
D. Contact Elections Canada.
60) Which two provinces are on the Atlantic coast ofCanada?  
A. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
B. Newfoundland and British Columbia.
C. Prince Edward Island and Ontario.
D. British Columbia and Yukon.

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湘草咖啡 发表于 2014-5-2 10:36:29 | 显示全部楼层
最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总

81) From whom are the Acadians descended?  
A. First Nations who began settling in what are now thePrairie provinces in 1600s.
B. British colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritimeprovinces in 1604.
C. French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime  provinces in 1604.
D. Métis and Inuit.

82) What country is Canada's largest trading partner?  
A. Germany.
B. China.
C. United States of America.
D. Japan.

83) What is the significance of the Quebec Act of 1774?  
A. Separate the Province of Quebec from Upper Canada.
B. It made the conferation of Canada legal.
C. Canada's tolerance of religious traditions underthe law.
D. It demostrated the principal of 'Peace, Order and Good Government'.

84) Which of the followings are the responsibilities of federal government?  
A. Education, foreign policy, recycling programs andaboriginal affairs.
B. National defence, foreign policy, international trade andaboriginal affairs.
C. Highways, policing, international trade and criminal justice.
D. National defence, health care, international trade and aboriginalaffairs.

85) Who recommended that the Upper and Lower Canada be merged and given a responsible government?  
A. Lord Durham.   领主管合并
B. Sir George‐Étienne Cartier.
C. Sir Guy Carleton.
D. Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine.

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聋鸢 发表于 2014-3-25 08:09:09 | 显示全部楼层
最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总

21) Which province is Canada's main producer of pulp and paper?  
A. New Brunswick.
B. British Columbia.
C. Ontario.
D. Quebec.  魁北克水产品三宝:水电纸浆和纸张

22) What does "mobility rights" mean?  
A. Being able to have freedom of speech.
B. Being able to have a job in any provinces.
C. Being able to live and work anywhere in Canada.
D. Being able to work and move.

23) Which province is the only officially bilingual province?  
A. Quebec.
B. New Brunswick.  NB的双语
C. Nova Scotia.
D. Ontario.

24) Which two provinces produce more than three-quarters ofCanadian manufactured goods?  
A. Ontario and Quebec.
B. Quebec and Manitoba.
C. Alberta and Ontario.
D. British Columbia and Ontario.

25) What is a Cabinet Minister?  
A. MP selected by the Queen to make laws.
B. MP selected by the Prime Minister to run federal departments.
C. MP picked by the Premier of each province.
D. Candidate picked by the Prime Minister.

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小儿科 发表于 2014-1-25 10:26:49 | 显示全部楼层
61) Which province is the biggest producer of metals in Canada?
A. Northwest Territories.
B. Yukon.
C. Alberta.
D. Ontario.

62) In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live?
A. The North and Great Lakesregions.
B. All regions.
C. The Prairies and the North.
D. The Great Lakes regions and Prairies.

63) Which of the followings are the founding people of Canada?
A. French, American and Indian.
B. Aboriginal, French and British.
C. Inuit, French and British.
D. British, Asian and Aboriginal.

64) Which province is Canada's major producer of oil and gas?
A. Alberta.
B. British Columbia.
C. Yukon.
D. Quebec.

65) What is the tower in the centre of the Parliament buildings called?
A. Peaceful Tower.
B. CN Tower.
C. Canada Tower.
D. Peace Tower.

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真是 发表于 2013-6-18 05:23:50 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 从头再来 发表于 2013-2-14 11:43:50 | 显示全部楼层
1. 5分硬币上的是什么动物?
The Beaver-----印在钱上的只有这个

2. 加拿大政府系统的3要素

3. 西北骑警现在演化成什么?   ----RCMP

4. 二战中有多少人参与   ----1战60万,二战100万

5. 1950-1953加拿大参加了哪次联合国行动?
Korea war

6. 三级政府的名称

7. 那个机构负责解决纠纷?  ----法院

8. 从列举的职责中选择哪些是属于联邦政府负责的

9. 从哪一年开始加拿大实行自己的荣誉制度order of Canada
1967   ---之前用英国的VC

10. 参与联邦选举的条件

11. 有投票权需要符合下列哪一个条件之?

12. 有个人是原住民和欧洲移民的后代, 他属于哪个民族?  ----METIC

13. Secret ballot投票的含义?
A. no one can watch you vote
B. no one has the right to insist that you tell them how you voted
C. no one should look at how you voted
D. All of above

14. 加拿大多元化的内容(这题也是3个答案都是正确的,包括多个种族群体,非官方语言和同性恋)

15. 1812年战争对加拿大的意义

16. 北方地区”Land of the Midnight Sun“的解释

17. 如何为加拿大社会做出贡献?

18. 如果你被要求参与陪审团,你该如何处理?

19. 一个议员是属于温哥华选区的,这说明他将会在哪里活动?

20. 公民的义务


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 楼主| 从头再来 发表于 2013-2-14 11:44:53 | 显示全部楼层
1. 加拿大5 CENTS上的动物图案,也是加拿大的SYMBOL.:beaver
3. 加拿大最大贸易伙伴: USA
4. 政府的三个机构:行政,立法,司法
6. 五大湖
7. 人口最多的省:ON
8. IN FLENDERS FIELD的作者 -----John McCrae, 非常CARE牺牲的人
11. MP是怎么选的


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 楼主| 从头再来 发表于 2013-2-14 11:45:26 | 显示全部楼层
1.the name of the first woman member of parliament  ---Agnes Macphail, 貌似麦当劳总理的亲戚
2.the wars fought as part of the United Nations
3.the name of the flag before our present one
4.the places the British helped build after the war of 1812
第四个答案是:the British built the citadels at Halifax and Quebec City as well as Fort Henry in Kingston..

5.two names of the residents of Quebec and the name of the person who suggested responsible government
答案是HABITANTS OR CANADIENS.问题应该是QUEBEC省说法语的天主教人被称着什么?


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 楼主| 从头再来 发表于 2013-2-14 11:46:30 | 显示全部楼层
我今天做的题大部分都和你相同,我是no.7 考卷。第六题我和你选的一样,但我想我应该选错了,书上写的是federal state;还有第五题,我选了grain and oilseed.
2.没钱请律师怎么办:legal aid
5.四个地方在哪个area:Atlantic area
7.Coat of arms出现在哪些东西上:全选
我没看书,所以答得不好,连猜带蒙希望能顺利通过,interview时officer说错6个的话会发notice给你,可以有机会interview judge。所以朋友们,还是要看Discover Canada!!这些知识点在书里都明白写着,别去背什么题目了,题目只是参考,给重点让你看书时有的方矢去记忆。


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WLU 发表于 2013-2-15 00:02:25 | 显示全部楼层

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WLU 发表于 2013-2-16 02:42:24 | 显示全部楼层

1.Which of the following responsibilities are shared by the federal and provincial governments? (Environment and Immigration was the correct answer, but other options included, for instance, Environment and Citizenship)

2.Name a Canadian heroine, who warned James FitzGibbon of a planned American attack during the war of 1812? (Laura Secord)

3.A popular historic site today, which of the following was paid for by the British during the war of 1812? (The Citadel 城堡of Halifax and Quebec city)

4.Which of the following symbolizes close ties between Canada and the U.S.? (The Peace Arch in Blaine, Washington).

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WLU 发表于 2013-2-16 02:42:58 | 显示全部楼层
Here are my test questions. note that i can't remember exact wording for the questions but will try my best.
1.Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
2. Equality of women and men
3. Jury- impartial juries made up of citizen
4. reponsibility-- voting in elections
5. what is mean by volunteering?
6.When is federal election? 3rd monday in Oct
7. Who are Metis?
8.Majority of Canadians identify as? Christians
9.What do we remember on Nov 11?
10. Who is the greatest Canadian hockey player?
11.who elect house of commons?
12. Who selects the cabinet ministers?
13. who is the head of government?
14. who can vote on election day?
15. what can you do if you do not wish to vote on election day?
16. who enforce the laws?
17.which flag serve as Canadian flag for 100 yrs?
18.The highest honour to Canadians?
19.What is NAFTA?
20.Which region is call the "land of the midnight sun"?


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WLU 发表于 2013-2-16 02:43:42 | 显示全部楼层
What significance did the War of 1812 have on Canada?
A. Napoleon’s fleet was defeated by the Royal Navy in the war
B. U.S.A. became independent from the British Empire after the war
C. U.S.A invaded Canada and was defeated, ensuring Canada would remain independent of the U.S.A.
D. Canada joined the U.S.A. after the war

The Quebec Act of 1774:
A. Is one of the constitutional foundations of Canada
B. Allowed religious freedom for Catholics
C. Permitted Catholics to hold public office
D. All of the above

What UN operation did Canada participate in from 1950 to 1953?
A. The Canadian Corps captured Vimy Ridge
B. Canada participated in the UN operation defending South Korea in the Korean War
C. Canadians volunteered to fight in the South African War
D. Canadian Forces defended Hong Kong

What happened to Quebecois in 2006?
Answer: The House of Commons recognized in 2006 that the Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada


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WLU 发表于 2013-2-16 02:45:21 | 显示全部楼层
1.Who was the first woman member of parliament? Agnes Macphail, 貌似麦当劳总理的亲戚

2.Which part of the parliament buildings were destroyed by fire?

3.What was the significance of the battle of Vimy Ridge?

4.What was the role of Chief Tecumseh and General Isaac Brock?

5.What was the importance of the Canadian Pacific Railway?

6.Who were Penfield, Bombardier and Bell?

7.Which war did Canadians fight in from 1950 to 1953?


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