加拿大入籍考试真题;加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
91) What do you call the Queen's representative in the provinces?
A. Member of the LegislativeAssembly.
B. Lieutenant-Governor.
C. Member of parliament.
D. Premier.
92) Who are exempted from therequirement of adequate knowledge of English or French in order to become a Canadian citizen?
A. Adult applicants 55 years ofage and over.
B. Adult applicants 50 years of age and over.
C. Adult applicants 40 years of age and over.
D. Child applicants 10 years of age or less.
93) Why did early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada?
A. To look for new mines.
B. To fish and trade with First Nations people.
C. To build immigration sites for settlers.
D. To run away from religious persecution.
94) What is a polling station?
A. Place where you vote.
B. Member of Parliament's constituency.
C. Campaign offices for candidates.
D. Place where the number of votes are counted.
95) Which province is Canada's main producer of pulp and paper?
A. New Brunswick.
B. Ontario.
C. British Columbia.
D. Quebec.