加拿大入籍考试真题;加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
96) Who are Francophones?
A. People speaking English as afirst language.
B. French people.
C. Descendants of French colonists.
D. People speaking French as a first language.
97) Who were the United EmpireLoyalists?
A. French and British settlers.
B. Inuit and First Nations.
C. First Nations and British settlers.
D. Settlers from the United States during the American Revolution. 美国独立后逃亡加拿大的人
98) Who has the right to be considered first for a job in the Federal government?
A. British citizens.
B. British Immigrants.
C. Canadian citizens.
D. Landed immigrants.
99) What are the parties that are not in power called?
A. Candidates.
B. Out of power.
C. Opposition parties.
D. Without power.
100) In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live?
A. All regions.
B. The North and Great Lakes regions.
C. The Great Lakes regions and Prairies.
D. The Prairies and the North.