加拿大入籍考试真题;加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
66) What does Register of Electors contain?
A. List of Canadian citizens lessthan 18 years old who are qualified to vote in federal elections andreferendums.
B. Listof all Canadian citizens who are qualified to vote in federal elections and referendums.
C. List of Canadian citizens of more than 18 years who are qualified to vote infederal elections and referendums.
D. Personal information of voters which is given to each political party.
67) Why is the St. Lawrence Seaway important to Canada?
A. Fishing.
B. Shipping route to the Great Lakes.
C. Outdoor sports waterway.
D. Kayaking.
68) What is the significance of the Quebec Act of 1774?
A. Separate the Province of Quebecfrom Upper Canada.
B. It demostrated the principal of 'Peace, Order and Good Government'.
C. It made the conferation of Canada legal.
D. Canada's tolerance of religious traditions underthe law.
69) In which period did Canada's economy and industry experience a boom?
A. 1860s.
B. 1920s.
C. 1880s.
D. 1890s and early 1900s.大萧条前
70) What are the three parts of Parliament?
A. The Queen, theHouse of Commons and the Senate.
B. The Queen, Governor General and Prime Minister.
C. The House of Commons, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate.
D. The Governor General, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate