加拿大入籍考试真题;加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
56) If you cannot pay for a lawyer,how can you get legal help?
A. Do not go to a court.
B. Go to legal aid services in most communities.
C. Apply for financial aid from the government to pay for legal fees.
D. Borrow money from the government and pay for the lawyer.
57) What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?
A. Métis, Inuit and United EmpireLoyalists.
B. Acadians, Métis and First Nations.
C. Early French settlers, Métis and Indian.
D. Métis, First Nations and Inuit.
58) Which territory shares a border with another country?
A. British Columbia.
B. Yukon Territory.
C. Northwest Territories.
D. Alberta.
59) What principle was Canada's constitution founded on?
A. Peace, Order and GoodGovernment.
B. Independence and freedom.
C. Liberty and pursue of freedom.
D. Liberty, equality and fraternity.
60) Where do the majority of Métis live in Canada?
A. Prairie Provinces.
B. West Coast.
C. Northern territories.
D. Central Canada.