加拿大入籍考试真题;加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
61) What is a responsible government?
A. The government must resign if it loses a confidence vote in the assembly.
B. The government is formed by more than two parties in power.
C. The government is responsible for making laws.
D. The government is responsible for everything in the country.
62) What is a Cabinet Minister?
A. Candidate picked by the PrimeMinister.
B. MP selected by the Queen to make laws.
C. MP picked by the Premier of each province.
D. MP selected by the Prime Minister to run federal departments.
63) What do the initials MP stand for in Canadian politics?
A. Master of the Province.
B. Member of the Patriots.
C. Member of Parliament.
D. Minister of Parliament.
64) Which four provinces first formed Confederation?
A. Ontario, Newfoundland, Quebec andNova Scotia.
B. Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and British Columbia.
C. Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and Nova Scotia.
D. Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
65) When did the United Empire Loyalists come toCanada?
A. During 1580s.
B. Late 1800s.
C. Late 1700s.1812年美加战争前,1776美国独立后
D. In 1600s.