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最新2014年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2014年后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
How much do you knowabout your government? 你有多了解你的政府? Use these pages totake notes and to study important information. 使用这些网页做笔记和研究的重要信息。 Federal Government联邦政府 Head of State国家元首: Queen Elizabeth the Second Ahereditary Sovereign (Queen or King). The name of the representative ofthe Queen of Canada, the Governor General, 代表加拿大女王的加拿大总督的名字是is David Johnston戴维·约翰斯顿Oct 1,2010 The Head of Government, the PrimeMinister政府首脑,总理, is StephenHarper re-elected The name of the political party inpower 执政党的名字is the Conservative Party of Canada The name of the partyrepresenting Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition忠诚的代表陛下的反对党名称是is the Liberal Party of Canada Dec 2,2006 The names of theother opposition parties and leaders are 其他在野政党和领导人的名字 The Liberal Party MichaelIgnatieff The New Democratic Party JackLayton The Bloc Québécois GillesDuceppe. My Member ofParliament (MP) in Ottawa is 我在渥太华国会(MP)的议员是 My federalelectoral district is called 我的联邦选举区被称为 Provincial Government The name of therepresentative of the Queen for my province, the Lieutenant Governor在我省的代表女皇的的副总督名字是:BC is The Head ofGovernment (the Premier) 省长是is The name of theprovincial party in power省执政党 is the The names of theprovincial opposition parties and leaders省反对党和领导人的名字is BC New Democratic Party and Carole James My provincialrepresentative 我的省代表is Municipal Government 市政府 The name of themunicipality where I live is我住的地方的市名字是Burnaby The name of thehead of the municipal government (mayor or reeve) 该市政府首领(市长或称里夫)的名字是 The party in power 执政党是is 最新资料可找这个网站http://www.billsiksay.ca/default2.asp?active_page_id=137