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最新2014年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2014年后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总===============
The National Flag国旗 The National Flag wasfirst raised on February 15, 1965. The red-white-red pattern comes from theflag of the Royal Military College, Kingston, founded in 1876. National Flag ofCanada Day is February 15. The provinces and territories also have flags that embody their distincttraditions. 国旗1965年2月15日首次升起。 The red-white-red pattern comes from the flag of theRoyal Military College, Kingston, founded in 1876.红-白-红样式来自成立于1876年金斯敦的皇家军事学院院旗。加拿大National Flag of Canada Day is February 15.国旗国庆日是2月15日。The provinces and territories also have flags that embodytheir distinct traditions.各省和地区也有体现其独特传统的旗帜。