加拿大入籍考试真题 36) In which period did Canada's economy and industry experience a boom?
A. 1860s.
B. 1890s and early 1900s. 30年代大萧条前的大繁荣
C. 1920s.
D. 1880s.
37) When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada?
A. Late 1800s.
B. Late 1700s. 保皇党人在美国1776年独立后逃亡加拿大
C. In 1600s.
D. During 1580s.
38) Who invented the snowmobile?
A. Alexander Graham Bell
B. Joseph-Armand Bombardier 庞巴迪造飞机也造雪橇
C. Mathew Evans and Henry Woodward
D. Sir Sandford Fleming
39) When is the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day is celebrated?
A. 20th of November
B. 11th of November
C. Fourth Monday of Octomber
D. Second Monday of November
40) Which territory shares a border with another country?
A. Yukon Territory.
B. British Columbia.
C. Alberta.
D. Northwest Territories.