早上7:45到密市考场,先核对考试信和驾照,枫叶卡,拿了答题纸就坐在位置上等,来了一个人先说了如何填答题纸和考试注意事项。然后发了考卷就开始答。题目不难,没必要到读透DISCOVERY CANADA.
1. French-speaking and Englishi speaking people
a. still fight for land
b. three group of founded people
2. Sir John Alexander Macdonale 我选contribute to dominial
of Canada.
3. 做志愿者是为了提升SKILLS
4. Nationalpolice force, best know symblos--RCMP
5. 军队是voluteer and noble way to contribute to Canada
6. Crown 代表君主立宪
7. Inuit人生活在北冰洋的small community
9. Canada-American border is part of the result of the War
of 1812
10. presumption of innocence
11. voters at least 18,citizen, at voter list
12. Acadian
13. MP 是人民选出来的
14. NorthernTerritorie cover 1/3 Canada
15. Federal government responsible: Natioalpolicy, defence
16. legal aid sevice
17. Freedom, think about what you do
18. British Columbia 属于哪个REGION
19. Three banches of governmnt: executive, legislative,judicial
20. peacefull opposit and help improve government is
opposite party