最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
96) Which two are Great Lakes?
A. St. Lawrence and Superior.
B. Huron and Erie.
C. Michigan and Okanagan.
D. Ontario and Okanagan.
97) Which is the capital city of Ontario?
A. Ottawa
B. Toronto
C. Scarborough
D. Hamilton
98) Which of the followings are the responsibilities of provincial government?
A. National defence, health care, citizenship andfirefighting.
B. National defence, foreign policy, highways and aboriginal affairs.
C. Education, health care, natural resources and policing.
D. Education, foreign policy, natural resources and policing.
99) More than half of Canada's aeronautics and space industry arelocated in which province?
A. Quebec.
B. Saskatchewan.
C. Manitoba.
D. Ontario.
100) What is the most popular spectator sport of Canada?
A. Soccer.
B. Canadian football.
C. Hockey.
D. Basketball.