最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
66) Which of the followings are the responsibilities of provincial government?
A. National defence, foreign policy, highways and aboriginalaffairs.
B. National defence, health care, citizenship and firefighting.
C. Education, foreign policy, natural resources and policing.
D. Education, health care, natural resources and policing.
67) What is a major river in Quebec?
A. Fraser River
B. Amazon River
C. St. Lawrence River
D. Hudson Bay River
68) What does it mean for a political party to "be inpower"?
A. To gain the approval of the Queen.
B. To generate electricity.
C. To have the most elected representatives.
D. To hold the nuclear button.
69) Which of the followings are the responsibilities of Canadian citizenship?
A. Serving in an army, obeying the law and takingresponsibility for oneself and one's family.
B. Protecting our environment, buying a house and voting in elections.
C. Obeying the law, serving on a jury, voting in elections and helping others in the community.
D. Obeying the law, getting a job in the government and serving inCanadian Forces.
70) Who is Sir Arthur Currie?
A. Canada's greatest soldier in the First World War. 亚瑟王是一战最伟大士兵
B. The greatest scientist of Canada.
C. An French explorer to easten Canada.
D. A person who started the 'marathon of hope'.