最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
66) On what date did Nunavut become a territory?
A. August 4th, 1996
B. April 1st, 1999
C. July 1st, 1867
D. October 1st, 1997
67) Why are the Great Lakes important to Canada?
A. Waterways.
B. Fishing.
C. Water for agriculture.
D. Fresh water and waterways.
68) Who recommended that the Upper and Lower Canada be merged and given a responsible government?
A. Lord Durham. 领主合并上下加拿大
B. Sir George‐Étienne Cartier.
C. Sir Guy Carleton.
D. Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine.
69) Which of the followings is a non-Canadian not allowed todo?
A. Get a job in the federal government.
B. Own a property.
C. Go to a government funded university.
D. Vote in the federal and provincial election.
70) What do you call the Queen's representative in the provinces?
A. Member of the Legislative Assembly.
B. Member of parliament.
C. Lieutenant-Governor. 副总督
D. Premier.