最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
最新2012年9月后新版加拿大入籍背景调查RQ(Residence Questionnaire)表格材料进度等资料汇总
11) Who is Sir Arthur Currie? 亚瑟王的士兵
A. Canada's greatest soldier in the First World War.
B. An French explorer to easten Canada.
C. The greatest scientist of Canada.
D. A person who started the 'marathon of hope'.
12) When does a federal election have to be held under legislation passed by Parliament?
A. The Prime Minister can call the election any time at hisown will.
B. Within 5 years of the last election.
C. When the Queen wants to replace the Prime Minister.
D. Within 4 years of the most recent election.
13) What is the highest honour available to Canadians?
A. Victoria Cross
B. The Queen's Medal
C. Victoria Medal
D. Elizabeth Cross
14) Which province is on the Pacific coast of Canada?
A. Nova Scotia.
B. Yukon.
C. Quebec.
D. British Columbia.
15) Which party becomes the Official Opposition?
A. The opposition party with the most MPs.
B. The opposition party with the least votes.
C. The party picked by the Queen.
D. The opposition party with the most votes.