最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
21) Who is the leader of the Official Opposition Party of Ontario?
A. Tim Hudak
B. David C. Onley
C. Kathleen Wynne
D. Stephen Harper
22) On what date did Nunavut becomea territory?
A. October 1st, 1997
B. April 1st, 1999
C. July 1st, 1867
D. August 4th, 1996
23) What country is Canada's largest trading partner?
A. Germany.
B. United States of America.
C. Japan.
D. China.
24) What is a ballot?
A. A dance.
B. A form to count the number of votes.
C. A form that tells you when and where to vote.
D. A form for voting.
25) What are the three main types of industry inCanada?
A. Fishery, tourism and services.
B. Oil, tourism and manufacturing.
C. Natural resources, manufacturing and services.
D. Mining, services and manufacturing