最新2013年官方内容全新改版后的加拿大入籍考试指南Discover Canada简体中文英文对照版
81) When is the fixed election date of Canada's federal election?
A. There's no fixed date of Canada'sfederal election.
B. March 1st every five years after the last election.
C. The third Monday in October every four years following the most recent election.
D. The second Friday in September every four years following the most recentelection.
82) How can you help to protect the environment?
A. Do not buy gas at a higher price.
B. Walking, cycling, taking transit or carpooling wherever possible.
C. Use electricity instead of gas.
D. Drive a car to go to and come back from work by yourself.
83) When is the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day is celebrated?
A. Second Monday of November
B. 11th of November
C. 20th of November
D. Fourth Monday of Octomber
84) What are the Prairie provinces?
A. Saskatchewan, Alberta andManitoba.
B. Alberta, Manitoba and British Columbia.
C. Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
D. Saskatchewan and Alberta.
85) Who has the right to enter and leave Canada at will?
A. Canadian citizens.
B. British citizens.
C. Citizens of United States.
D. Landed immigrants.