到 上查了一下发现有个VISA Renewal - Courier in Documents的流程, 对于满足下列条件的人来说可以走免面签的流程:
- The applicant resides in Canada. 有加拿大的学生签证、工作签证或者枫叶卡
- Note: Applicants with Canadian student permits, Canadian work permits, or Canadian permanent residency shall be considered as residing in Canada. Applicants with Canadian visitor permits shall not be considered residents.
- The applicant previously held a non-immigrant visa and is applying for the same classification of visa except Treaty Trader/Traty Investor (E1/E2), Australian Worker (E3), Temporary Worker (H2), Intra- Company Transfer with Blanket Petition (L), and Refugee/Victims Visas (T, U) 以前拿过非移民签证并且想续签同样类型额签证,上列签证类型除外。
- The visa expired less than 12 months ago and is in the applicant’s possession.上次美签过期不超过12个月
- If the applicant has been refused a visa, must have been subsequently issued a U.S. visa and is renewing that previously issued visa.以前有过拒签经历不重要,只要最后一次成功申请了美签并且过期没有超过12个月。
The interview waived exemption does NOT apply to applicants who:下列情况不适用于免面签流程
- Hold a passport from Cuba, Iran, Syria, or Sudan 拿的是古巴、伊朗、叙利亚或苏丹护照
- Hold a visa previously annotated “Clearance Received” or “Waiver” indicating a previous waiver of ineligibility以前申请过免面签流程但签证上被标注“Clearance Received” or “Waiver”。
- Have checked “yes” to any of the DS-160 security questions, including “have you ever been refused a U.S. visa.”在DS-160里有任何一项与安全性相关的选项回答是Yes的。
- 在 https://ceac.state.gov/genniv 填写DS-160,并打印最后有barcode的那一页。
- 注册并登陆 http://www.usvisa-info.com ,在你自己的账户页面的下面有几个链接,其实好像点哪个都一样,进入到一个向导流程中。
- 记住在第一步,通过展开一层层的树状信息选项,一定要选到 VISA Renewal - Courier in Documents这个流程。
- 然后就顺着这个流程向导一步步的 选择你的材料在那个快递点收、发,付费USD$160,打印付费的receipt。
- 直到向导走到最后一步,打印 Application Confirmation Page. 注意,此时会生成一个reference ID,后面你需要用到它。
- 下载并打印CSC Loomis Submit Documents Form,填写你的reference ID、递交的领事馆(e.g. US Consulate General -Vancouver)、递交的材料清单。(建议填写完了,自己留份copy)
- 带上如下材料到你在第4步选择的快递点递送
- 上面第5步打印的Application Confirmation Page;
- 包含有你最后一次成功拿到美签的护照;
- 上面第1步打印的DS-160 bardcode page;
- 加拿大的学生签证、工作签证或者枫叶卡的复印件;
- 和DS-160中一样的照片2张;
- 上面第6步填写好的CSC Loomis Submit Documents Form。
- 等待快递点的电子邮件,直到他们通知你你的护照已从使馆发出(这个不可能短于5个工作日,还是多等几日吧),此时还在transit status,并不能去取。
- 登陆你在http://www.usvisa-info.com的账户,直到Applicant Status成为Ready for pickup,带上你的一个一类证件和同样在这个页面中出现的Waybill Number,去上述快递点领护照