disk 发表于 2014-1-25 09:24:50

加拿大入籍考试真题81) Which of the followings best describes the Lacrosse sport?
A. The official winter sport.
B. The most popular sport in Canada.
C. The official summer sport.
D. The second most popular sport in Canada.

82) Who are the Aboriginal peoplesin Canada?
A. Refugees from the AmericanRevolution.
B. United Empire Loyalists and Métis.
C. Early Australian immigrants.
D. The first inhabitants of Canada.

83) Why is the North sometimes called the "Land of the Midnight Sun"?
A. Summerdaylight can last up to 24 hours.
B. Winter daylight can last up to 24 hours.
C. Spring daylight can last up to 24 hours.
D. Fall daylight can last up to 24 hours.

84) What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada?
A. Alexa McDonough.
B. Paul Martin.
C. Jean Chrétien.
D. Stephen Harper

85) When is Canada Day?
A. The third Monday of May.
B. The second Monday of July.
C. September 6th of each year.
D. July 1st every year.

86) Which province is the only officially bilingual province?
A. Nova Scotia.
B. Ontario.
C. Quebec.
D. New Brunswick.   NB省说双语

87) More than half of Canada's aeronautics and space industry are located in which province?
A. Saskatchewan.
B. Quebec.庞巴迪
C. Ontario.
D. Manitoba.

88) What is the name of the leader of the Official Opposition at the federal level?
A. Joy MacPhail.
B. Thomas Mulcair
C. Michael Ignatieff.
D. Stephen Harper

89) Which was the first province inthe British Empire to abolish slavery?
A. Lower Canada.
B. South Canada.
C. Upper Canada.废奴乃上等之举
D. North America.

90) Who recommended that the Upper and Lower Canada be merged and given a responsible government?
A. Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine.
B. Sir Guy Carleton.
C. Lord Durham.    领主管土地合并
D. Sir George‐Étienne Cartier.

disk 发表于 2014-1-25 09:24:55


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查看完整版本: 2019加拿大入籍考试真题面试题回忆汇总+中英文版Discover Canada